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Future plans



Educate a girl by supporting Prospect In Mummy's Tummy (PIMT) International! According to United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), over 62 MILLION GIRLS around the world are OUT of school. Prospect In Mummy's Tummy (PIMT) International plans on helping girls get an education by building schools to ensure that girls are given priority! We cannot build the clinics and schools on our own and need support and funds to help girls STAY in school. As best put into words by Nelson Mandela, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Moreover, "...when you educate a girl, you educate a nation." African Proverb. Please click on the donate page to make a donation to PIMT.

Have a blessed day!!!



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 What can you do?: Donate to support girls' education



Please scroll down to read more about the future goals of Prospect In Mummy's Tummy Academy (PIMTA)

Sarah's Kindergarten and Primary School (SKAPS) students
Sk building 4
SK building 2
Prospect In Mummy's Tummy Academy (PIMTA) Future Goals: 
Interview form Ezer Kenegdo by Desiree Henderson 3/9/16
  • According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), over 124 million children and young adolescents are out of school. Girls are the majority of children who are out of school. Furthermore, over 24 million children will never set foot in a classroom setting. As of right now, the focus of PIMT Int. is geared towards creating an impact in children’s life through the construction of a school in The Gambia. The Gambia is the smallest country in West Africa with a population of over 1.9 million people. According to a 2013 World Bank survey, 89,476 children in The Gambia were out of primary school. Furthermore, the CIA world factbook states that 48.4% of Gambians are below the poverty line and make less than $1.25 per day.

  • PIMT Int. will help break the cycle of poverty by building a school in The Gambia. The name of the school will be Prospect In Mummy’s Tummy Academy (PIMTA). At the moment, we are raising funds for the construction of the school due to the fact that we do not have partner organizations. Therefore, the majority of the money has come from my mother’s contribution to the organization. For the school, our goal is to start with the construction of a nursery school. The nursery school will be comprised of three levels. The first level is geared for the age range of 4-5 years. Then the second level will be geared for ages 5-6. Finally the third level will be ages 6-7 years.

  • Our goal is to promote girls education and we plan on starting with fifteen children.There will be ten girls and five boys in our first Prospect In Mummy’s Tummy Academy. The target population will be families who are below the poverty line and will not be able to afford to send their children to school. Our goal is to create a solid foundation for the children at a young age so that they will be prepared for the primary level work. Eventually, we do plan on expanding PIMTA to include a primary and secondary school. We believe that by providing a secondary school, the students will have better opportunities of shaping their communities through a higher paying job and furthering their education.

  • The concept of PIMTA is unique in that with the availability of funding, we hope to be providing free education, uniforms, school supplies, and food for the children. Some of the barriers that prevent children from stepping foot into the classroom are uniforms and school supplies.

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